George's Optical House
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Soflens38 Contact Lenses 1.5

SofLens 38 (polymacon) contact lens is indicated for daily wear or extended wear from 1 to 7 days between removals, for cleaning and disinfection or disposal of the lens, as recommended . The lens is made from the polymacon material, a hydrophilic polymer of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, and is 38.6% water by weight when immersed in a sterile saline solution. \n \nSofLens 38 contact lenses combine performance with a time-tested, deposit-resistant lens material and may be prescribed for traditional, frequent/planned replacement or disposable wear for the correction of refractive ametropia (myopia and hyperopia). \n \nSofLens38 is available in 6-packs. \n

Key Features & Benefits

  • Myopia / Hyperopia
  • \n
  • Time-tested, deposit-resistant material
  • \n
  • Inversion Indicator
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  • Visibility Tint
  • \n

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